For the first few days it might be advisable to wash your mouth with bottled water.
Never eat dressed fruits from vendors. Always eat fruits you can peel.
Always wash fruit well before eating it.
Wash your hands before and after eating.
Always keep a tube of mosquito repellent with you.
Always carry a kit of the basic emergency medicines you might need for diarrhoea, fever, etc. Also, band aids and an antiseptic ointment.
There are state - operated facilities in all towns and cities and private consultants and specialists.
Get vaccine shots for protection against certain diseases that may pose a threat to your health while in the Indian sub continent.
Milk is often sold unpasteurised in India and should be boiled. Avoid dairy products likely to have been made from unboiled milk.
Drink lassi - a yoghurt drink. It will help tone down the bacteria.
Eat plain rice, or try a simple khichdi - an easily digestible mixture of rice and lentils.
Drink plenty of coconut water. It's cooling, and naturally sterilized!
Drink plenty of fluids and take some electrolyte salts if the bug persists.
During the summer months, take protection as the sun is very strong and it can get really hot. Carry hats, sunglasses, sunscreen lotions and drink water to prevent de - hydration.
Its better to carry Health Certificate as it contains valuable information incase one needs medical attention.